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Our Competitions

Within the Edith Parsons School of Physical Culture, we have several different levels of competition. While not compulsory, we do encourage our members to represent our club at competitions wherever possible. We feel this is a great way both to foster club spirit and to honour the hard work each class, student and teacher has put in over the year.


Competition dress standards differ from class and must be observed by competitors at each event - please see below for details.

Competition TYPES
Fairfield City Physie | EP Physie
Fairfield City Physie | EP Physie
Competition ATTIRE

For any competition you enter, you will be required to wear a matching lycra leotard and 6-panel skirt combination with silver split-soled leather ballet shoes. Shimmer or fishnet tights are also compulsory from age 13 up. Fairfield City Physie has a small club uniform pool from which these may be purchased second-hand if suitable, and your Instructress or the ladies at the desk will be happy to assist with sizing advice. Alternatively, we are able to recommend dressmakers and retailers should you wish to purchase brand new.


Individual competition leotards may be of any design within reason (there are some rules that apply, so speak to your Instructress for guidelines), however for team competitions you will be required to purchase a club leotard and skirt combination as designated by your teacher, which will in most cases be custom-made by our club's very talented seamstress.


Tanning products and makeup may be worn from age 13 upward - your teacher will detail requirements for these closer to team competition time.

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